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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Lonesome Gods, Louis L'Amour

I am currently reading Lonesome Gods by Louis L'Amour.  It was something my dear friend started reading and said it was so good that I wanted to read it too.  (She's awesome, by the way.  But duh.  Like I would pick un-awesome friends!)

The basic deal is this is a sort of western novel.  I've never read a western novel before and when she said it was, I was kind of put off by it.  Not my kind of thing, really.  But it is a classic.  She said not to worry because it was very good and L'Amour is an excellent writer who has a knack for nature and incorporating it into his writing.

So I bit.

She was right.  She told me the first fifty or so pages were a bit dry.  Yes.  They were.

Then things started to pick up.

The star of the show is this young boy.  When the story starts off, his mother has already died and his father is about to die.  It is set in the west (going to California) in the 1800's.  He's only 6 when we begin the story, but by the things his father teaches him to do, until you find out he's a 6 year-old, you think he's probably 12.

Johannes' (that's the boy) maternal grandfather hates his father enough to be on an at least decade long rager bent on killing him.  Nobody is sure if he'll want to kill Johannes, too (at first - you find out later he quite might).

L'Amour seems to have a fascination with nature, Native American traditions and gods, a belief in evolution and a love for classic authors.  Or at least those seem to be expressed repeatedly throughout this work.

If you get your hands on it, tell me what you think.  I'm at this point only in chapter 28 (out of 61), so I can't give you the full-throttle version yet.

Keep on readin',
Ms. Daisy